Here’s Exactly What To Expect From Us

At Hearing Connection in eastern Montana, we’ve developed and implemented a detailed process that we follow for nearly all of our hearing aid clients that virtually eliminates oversights and mistakes and helps ensure that we leave no stone unturned.

In Hearing Connection’s early days, we modeled our business after the standard procedures followed by most other hearing aid shops. We offered free hearing screens and sold a variety of hearing aids to cater to all types and budgets. When we programmed hearing aids, our goal was to match prescriptions as closely as we could, thereby offering the maximum benefit to users right from the start.

But things just weren't working. Patients reported trouble adapting to their new hearing aids, poor benefit (especially in background noise and other challenging environments) and feelings of frustration, anger, and regret. So, realizing a change was necessary, we tore our process down to the ground and set our sights on developing a system that would allow us to discover our patient’s biggest challenges, eliminate the typical problems associated with wearing new hearing aids, and ensure that our patients were delighted with their purchase.

So, after years of research and development, we are proud to offer a next-level, step-by-step fitting process that methodically maximizes our patients’ hearing potential through testing, gradual adaptation, and verification.

Our revolutionary adaptation process guarantees that first-time hearing aid users transition successfully into their new hearing aids. What we’ve learned from fitting thousands of hearing aids is that there are no quick-fixes to treating hearing loss. It is a journey that takes time and one that we, and our patients, agree to take together.

The journey begins with a full battery of audiometric testing. We spend a lot of time getting to know you and identifying your hearing needs. The testing is geared toward real-life performance, like how well you understand speech in quiet, background noise, and crowds.

Next we fit you with complimentary trial devices so you can experience, without cost or commitment, what it is like to wear hearing aids. Once you decide you’re ready, we order your own devices, transfer the settings from the trial hearing aids into your own, and give you another 60 days to be absolutely certain about your purchase.

Then, over the next year, we plan on seeing you several more times so we can track your progress as we gradually bring your hearing aids up to your prescribed levels. We carefully monitor your progress over time. Once your hearing aids reach “full strength” we ease off the gas a little bit, turn on cruise control, and plan to see you no less than 4 times per year for hearing aid maintenance and cleanings.

We start with sophisticated digital hearing aids. We use a slow and methodical personalized approach to adaptation. And finally, we have an obsessive-compulsive quest to help our friends be absolutely delighted with their hearing aids. With these things, we’ve discovered a winning combination that ensures success and makes wearing hearing aids a pleasure from day one.

Call (406) 969-2770 to schedule an appointment or a FREE phone consultation today.